We offer more complex surgeries including orthopedics, ACL repairs, mass removals, cherry eye surgeries, foreign body removals, and cystotomies.

Hoboken Vets Animal Clinic Blogs

Pet information

To help you learn new things to improve the quality of life for your pet, the staff at Hoboken Vets Animal Clinic has written blogs for you to read.

Paws and Paths: A Dog Owner’s Guide to Hiking Bliss

Paws and Paths: A Dog Owner’s Guide to Hiking Bliss

Paws and Paths: A Dog Owner's Guide to Hiking Bliss Hiking is a beautiful way to embrace the great outdoors, connect with nature, and reap the benefits of physical exercise. As National Take a Hike Day approaches, many dog owners wonder if they can include their furry...

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Toxic Mushrooms and Dogs: Understanding the Hidden Threat

Toxic Mushrooms and Dogs: Understanding the Hidden Threat

Toxic Mushrooms and Dogs: Understanding the Hidden Threat As a responsible dog owner, you're likely cautious about what your furry friend consumes. With their curious nature, dogs often investigate things in the environment, including mushrooms. But are mushrooms safe...

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Top Choking Hazards For Pets

Top Choking Hazards For Pets

Top Choking Hazards For Pets As pet owners, we must ensure our pets are always protected. We feed them food, exercise them adequately, and offer them love and affection. However, one hazard that we often overlook is choking. Just like humans, pets are prone to choking...

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Discover Outdoor Activities You Can Enjoy With Your Pet

Discover Outdoor Activities You Can Enjoy With Your Pet

Discover Outdoor Activities You Can Enjoy With Your Pet The summer is the ideal time to spend time outside, enjoy the sunshine, and make enduring memories with your pet. During the warm months, there are a ton of enjoyable outdoor activities you can engage in with...

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The Therapeutic Influence of a Cat’s Purr

The Therapeutic Influence of a Cat’s Purr

The Therapeutic Influence of a Cat's Purr Cats have been renowned for their distinctive ability to purr, a sound that can instantly induce feelings of relaxation and contentment in us. However, have you ever wondered about the underlying reasons behind a cat's...

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How To Help Your Arthritic Cat

How To Help Your Arthritic Cat

How to Take Care of an Arthritic Cat Cats rarely complain; therefore, it might be challenging to tell when they are experiencing arthritis pain until their food bowl is less than half full. However, the following easy home improvements can help your cat feel more...

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Tips and Tricks to Prevent Dog Bites

Tips and Tricks to Prevent Dog Bites

How to Stop Dog Bites: Tips and Tricks As a dog owner, you should know how to avoid and deal with dog bites. Even though you can't fully protect your pet from other animals, there are things you can do to make it less likely that it will bite in new or stressful...

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